Winter wonderland in Iowa – Snowed in

DSCN3218Interesting weather here in the north.  We had a day in the high 70s.  The trees were budding beautifully, the flowers were poking through the ground, Nancy and I were sitting in the sun, the bluebirds and robins were flitting around, then wham!  Two days of snow with about a foot of accumulated snow.  We are snowed in.  A good reason to shop for a new bike and that’s what Chuck did.  We will now await the arrival of the bike and by then hope the snow is gone for good this summer.  From here we head north through Minneapolis and into Canada.  We’ve made arrangements to pick up our grandson at the airport in Minneapolis and he will accompany us on much of this bike trip through Canada and Alaska.  We hope Susan and the other grandkids can join us as well.   Some of you have expressed an interest in joining in and we hope you will.

We were very fortunate to have someone offer to live in and take care of our home while we are off on this bike trip.  Thanks – it eases the worry.  Chuck hopes to start biking around the 15th of May and will start at the Canada/Montana border north of Malta, Montana.

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